Svetlana Dinić, PhD

Principal Research Fellow

Department of Molecular Biology, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade

Svetlana Dinić received her PhD in Biological Sciences in 2006 (Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia). She is active in teaching and scientific research and participated in direct introduction of students to the field of molecular biology through courses: Methods in Molecular Biology and Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad (2007-2010). Dr. Dinić is a lecturer in the PhD program of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade in the courses: Basics of Proteomics (2007-2018), Molecular Biology of the Cell (since 2007) and Epigenetics (since 2017). Her scientific interests include the evaluation of natural products and probiotics as potential dietary supplements/therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications. She focuses on the functional relationship between epigenetic regulatory mechanisms and altered signaling pathways in diabetes and carcinogenesis. Her scientific interests also include nutriepigenetics/nutriepigenomics, in particular the effects of natural products on epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in pancreatic beta cells. Dr. Dinić has participated in the implementation of 8 national projects/programs and 5 international projects, including the project: Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity (Globaqua) (European Commission 7th Framework Programme Funding; No. 603629-ENV-2013-6.2.1; 2014-2019).

She is a member of the Center of Research Excellencе for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology, IBISS (since 2019). She is involved in 5 COST Actions (TD0905, FA1201, CA16112 (MC member), CA15219 (MC substitute)), now active in CA21113. Member of the Editorial Board of Archives of Biological Sciences, and also of several national scientific societies: Serbian Society for Molecular Biology (MolBioS) – Vice President of the Governing Board (2023-2027); Serbian Biochemical Society (SBD) – member of the Advanced Courses Committee (since 2014); Serbian Proteomic Association (SePA) – one of the founding members of the Council and member of the Board of Directors (2015-2019); Serbian Biological Society and delegate of IBISS in the Association of Institutes of Serbia (ZIS) (since 2008). She actively participated in the establishment and development of the SePA and played an essential role in the organization of several symposia of SePA as a member of organizational and scientific committees and contributed to the promotion of collaboration and knowledge sharing within the proteomics community, which significantly improved the landscape of proteomics research in Serbia. As a member of the scientific/organizational committees, Dr. Dinić was involved in organization of: 12th Conference of the Serbian Biochemical Society: “Biochemistry in Biotechnology”, 21-23/09/2023, Belgrade, Serbia; The Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS2), 6-8/10/2023, Belgrade, Serbia; Conference of the COST Action CA16112 NutRedOx: “Nutraceuticals in Balancing Redox Status in Ageing and Age-Related Diseases – WGs Meeting of the NutRedOx COST Action CA16112“, 2-3/03/2020, Belgrade, Serbia.

Svetlana Dinic photo

Phone: + 381 11 2078342
Links: ORCID SCOPUS LinkedIn

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