Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC)

Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC) is the largest academic hospital in the Netherlands and represents the medical faculties of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. With 29,157 students and a 32% share of foreign students, the University of Amsterdam is ranked 60th in the world (THE list, 2023) and occupies a top position in terms of international research network and scientific influence. Prof. Max Nieuwdorp, the leading partner, is Chair of Diabetes and Head of the Department of Experimental and Clinical Vascular Medicine. Prof. Nieuwdorp has been the recipient of several FP7 EU-funded projects (RESOLVE, MyNewGUT, PROMISS) and PI in the LeDucq consortium on gut microbiota in cardiometabolism as well as two NovoNordisk Foundation grants. Together with various industrial partners (Unilever, Pfizer, NovoNordisk), he strengthens the collaboration between academia and industry through the EU funding programmes JPI‐HDH, DINAMIC and MICRODIET. He is one of the founders of the Microbiota Center Amsterdam (MICA), which develops new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies through the application of systems medicine and machine learning.

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