Dr. Danijela Vojnović Milutinović, administrative manager of our project and leader of work package 1, was one of the representatives of IBISS at the “2024 China-CEEC Conference on Industry-University-Research Cooperation and Exchange”, which took place in Nanjing, China, from 10 to 14 September 2024. During the conference, she gave presentations on the cutting-edge research and innovation potential of IBISS with leading figures from academia and industry in both Nanjing and Yancheng. In addition to her presentations, she was engaged in B2B meetings with academic institutions and companies from Jiangsu Province, to explore opportunities for collaboration. During her presentation, Dr. Vojnović Milutinović highlighted the main objectives of the STRIMHealth project and its value for strengthening the capacity of IBISS in the field of metabolic disease research.